Evan's Odyssey - TV Pilot

This was a project we undertook in our final year of studying at Drama School. We managed to crowd-fund a small budget and pulled a lot of favors from a bunch of very talented individuals. The resulting pilot narrative, after the long and arduous process, was then aired at the Wellington Embassy in November 2017. We got a great response, though the project has been sidelined for the time being while we pursue other ventures. The video linked here is a smash-up of some of the better moments of the episode.

We learned possibly just as much in the few months this spanned across as we did during the rest of our training at uni - or at least, a laundry list of lessons we had hadn’t encountered before. From the devising process, through the pre-production stages; managing all of the equipment, crew, cast, shoots, locations; who needed to be where when and with what - where the term ‘low-budget’ was an understatement. The clash of personal and professional relationships. It was trial by fire, but we persevered through the difficult periods, assembled the material we had captured, tested it and refined it into something we were all very proud of in the end.