Education NZ - International Educational Strategy

This was a very exciting project for us - to catalog the responses of key NZ educators and policy makers to the new Labour led government’s change in International Education Strategy.

This was a collaboration with fellow local Wellington video producer Couch Kumara to complete this project for Education New Zealand.

We began by meeting with the communications team at the ENZ headquarters. After a number of discussions around who the target of the video was going to be, as well as what content was likely necessary for it to fulfill it’s purpose, we got to work covering the event with two fully-rigged cameras. We captured most of the talks and workshops that were sprawled throughout Te Papa during the course of two days, while getting some good coverage of the downtime, people eating together and deeply engaged in discussion. The core component though, was the talking-head interviews. We had to set up a space in a bustling Te Papa thoroughfare without interfering with the foot traffic.

Cyan Sea had not originally intended on editing the project, however our collaborator was unable to and the client needed the video stat. We stepped in, completed and delivered the video to them in time to push it out to their audience while it was still fresh.

Overall a very smooth and fruitful venture.