Te Whaea - 20th Anniversary

Te Whaea, a facility which hosts both Toi Whakaari: NZ Drama School and NZ School of Dance, was holding an event to celebrate it’s second decade of operating from the 11 Hutchison Street building in Wellington. The building itself has had an illustrious, nearly 100 year long history - from the day it was first planned in 1924, to it’s completion in 1929, to Te Whaea’s conception in 1998, to now.

We were tasked with putting together a video to be shown at the event itself, which consisted of archival footage alongside footage we captured ourselves (on ground and in the air) at the facility to show it’s current state, as well as editing it all together. We were also commissioned to film the the event itself, which resulted in the video you’re seeing above. Some prominent figures were in attendance, including Christian Penny (Director of Toi Whakaari at the time), Garry Trinder (Director of School of Dance) as well as the Governor-General of NZ. This video is currently looped in the the Te Whaea building main-entrance.