NZ School of Dance - Tu Move

Connor and Toa Interview

Luke Hanna Interview

I was required to film three interviews and capture the classes in action for Tu Move via the New Zealand School of Dance. The classes were run by Luke Hanna and was focused on getting young Maori and Pacific Island men to express themselves through dance. The shoot was a blast, and it was exciting to see what these young guys brought to the table and capturing that, though the trick was doing so without making them feel uncomfortable or insecure.

I made sure that I hung around as much as possible during the class and didn’t get started filming until the boys had warmed up. After a while, they forgot I was there.

We were fortunate to get three very distinct interviews. One was the head of contemporary dance at The School of Dance, Paula Steeds-Huston. Her interview was mostly directed at the stakeholders, so we focused on crafting her interview around the logistical details of the course. Luke Hanna, who runs it, had some really moving words around the subject of masculinity and the obstacles for young men in today’s climate. Finally, there was Connor Masseurs and Toa Paranihi, who were guest tutors and graduates of the school (who were also brought to school by the course a few years back). Through their history and chemistry, the duo were able to provide the lighthearted pragmatic advice and experienced based anecdotes that are most effective at winning over the audience the program was targeting.