Miyamoto International NZ - BRB

We were commissioned by Miyamoto International NZ to film the transfer of a BRB (Buckling Restrained Braced ) from the inside of a building out the window, ready to be installed. We edited together the footage into a brief service video to give their future clients an idea of what’s involved during the process, and to highlight the complex and specialty nature to this particular service.

We knew it would be easy to make this procedure look boring. To combat this, we established from the get-go that it would be important to get a lot of coverage, perspectives, detail shots, and to find the ‘magic’ of the scene. In this instance it seemed like the worn clothes, aged metal, and industrial quality of the gear and equipment were telling of both the intensity and frequency of the work that’s carried out by this crew. We knew it was important to show that this was hard work and required a specific set of tools and an experienced group of people. It was also interesting to capture the co-operative aspect of the work, with tools being handed out windows and every member of crew adjusting the 9 tonne brace inch-by-inch.